





要选择适合的老年公寓,必须要进行实地考察。一是要注意查看养老机构相关证书。如,是否具有民政部门颁发的执业证书,如果内设医疗机构,是否持有国家批准的医疗机构证书。二是要仔细观察老年公寓内外部的环境。内部设施是否安全、齐备,如居室、浴室是否配备无障碍设施,是否有休闲、娱乐、健身的场地,居住环境要舒适、温馨、采光好水泥杆 保定空压机 保定古筝 塑料增韧剂 拱形护坡模具 保定空调维修 托辊设备  托辊生产线、通风好。院外环境也不能忽略,要看周边是否有相应的服务设施,还要观察周边是否存在环境、噪声污染等问题,以保证老人有一个安静的养老环境。三要看老年公寓的护理水平、服务态度等。可以通过观察已入住的老人衣着是否干净、头发和指甲是否太长以及情绪状态等,来衡量老人在老年公寓的生活质量。
To choose suitable apartments for the elderly, field visits must be conducted. One is to pay attention to the relevant certificates of the pension institution. For example, whether it has a practice certificate issued by the civil affairs department, if it has a medical institution, whether it holds a medical institution certificate approved by the state. Two, we should carefully observe the environment inside and outside the apartment for the elderly. Whether the internal facilities are safe and ready, such as the bedroom, the bathroom is equipped with barrier free facilities, whether there are leisure, entertainment, fitness sites, living environment to be comfortable, warm, good lighting, ventilation. Outside the hospital environment can not be ignored, to see whether there is a corresponding service facilities around the surrounding, but also to observe the surrounding environment, noise pollution and other problems, in order to ensure that the elderly have a quiet environment for the aged. Three, we should look at the nursing level and service attitude of the elderly apartment. The quality of life of the old man's apartment can be measured by observing whether the old man's clothes are clean, the hair and the nails are too long, and the emotional state is too long.


  1. 保定市福来居老年公寓
  2. 电话:15188636169宋院长
  3. 电话:13230609059秦总
  4. 地址:保定市竞秀区盛兴西路1715号


版权 © 保定竞秀区福来居老年公寓  网址:www.laoniangongyu56.com 推荐:保定养老院哪家好,保定养老院一个月多少钱

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