





一、市场分析 I. market analysis 社会已经进入“银发时代”,老年人养老问题、医疗问题是困扰当下数以亿计“4+2+1”家庭模式的最大难题。尽管这几年各式各样的养老院如雨后春笋般在我们的身边铺面展开,但是我们所面临的现状仍然是养老难。 Society has entered the era of "silver age", and the elderly pension and medical problems are the biggest problems that have plagued the current billion "4 + 2 + 1" family model. Although various nursing homes have sprung up around us in recent years, the status quo is still difficult for us. 二、市场定位 Market positioning 第一类:家境富裕,儿女不在身边,需要照顾的老人。 The first category: wealthy families, elderly people who are not around and need care. 第二类:享受政府福利的孤寡老人,这里主要是伤残军人。 The second category: elderly people who enjoy government benefits, mainly disabled soldiers. 第三类:家庭矛盾激烈,子女就赡养义务产生分歧,被迫入住养老院的老人。 第四类:开明的,不愿意给子女增添麻烦,向往晚年自由的老人。 Third category: families are in a heated conflict, and children are forced to stay in nursing homes because of their differences. The fourth type: enlightened, unwilling to add trouble to their children, longing for the old age of freedom. 三、差异化服务 Third, differentiated services 让老人与亲友一同感受我们的服务,体验我们的服务。让他们感受养老院 的愉快气氛,享受这种大家庭的丰富生活。让他们觉得在这里安度晚年是个很不错的地方。因为老年人比较相信“口碑宣传”,这样一来我们的入住率与知名度都会得到一个很大的提升。 Let the old people feel our service with friends and relatives, and experience our service. Let them feel the happy atmosphere of the nursing home and enjoy the rich life of this family. It's a great place to feel comfortable in your old age. Because older people are more likely to believe in word of mouth, our occupancy rate and reputation will be greatly improved. 根据我们对不同年龄阶段老年朋友的心理分析,老人在退休之后要适应接下来闲暇的时光是需要时间周期的,这个特殊阶段的老人可能也正在经历着更年期的折磨,同时伴随着岁月更替,老人的身体状况也在发生着潜移默化的变化,子女却没能看父母日益苍老的脸,日益佝偻的背,日益蹒跚笨拙的脚步。子女迫于生活的压力,兄弟姐妹间生活层次的差异等现实问题难免会产生赡养义务的分歧,老人此时就只能被迫的选择到养老机构。 According to our psychological analysis of the different ages old friends, old man want to adapt to the leisure time after retirement is caopingw.89ix.comshilongwang.89ix.com jinghuaqi.89ix.com hanzheng.89ix.com shuihuati.89ix.com bengchuang.89ix.com need time cycle, this particular phase of the old man may also is going through menopause, at the same time with the years, the old man's physical condition is also in the subtle changes in children has failed to see the face of growing old parents, growing back to slouch, increasingly hobbled awkward steps. Due to the pressures of life, the differences between siblings' life levels and other real problems inevitably result in differences of maintenance obligations, and the old people can only be forced to choose the pension institution. 俗话说“养儿防老”,老人遇到如此情形不由自主的会产生失落感,孤独感。所以我们用治病要看疗效,赢得客户要靠口碑的模式打造养老标杆——养老院既是老人养老的地方,也是老人们交心谈心,相互拉家常的场所。 As the saying goes, "keep the old guard against the old," the old man can't help feeling lonely when he meets such a situation. So we use medicine to see curative effect, to win customers rely on word of mouth model building endowment, benchmarking is the elderly, nursing home is old people heart talk, broad range of each other.


  1. 保定市福来居老年公寓
  2. 电话:15188636169宋院长
  3. 电话:13230609059秦总
  4. 地址:保定市竞秀区盛兴西路1715号


版权 © 保定竞秀区福来居老年公寓  网址:http://www.laoniangongyu56.com 推荐:保定养老院哪家好,保定老年公寓
