





日本有“银发之国”之称,日本早在1970年就开始进入老年化社会,现在5个人当中就有一个老人。是当今世界老龄化程度最高、最快、最严重的国家之一,在亚洲地区构建养老保险最早的国家,日本的养老产业日趋精细化、严谨化、多样化、成为世界养老产业的领头羊和学习榜样。而且在积极地向世界各地输出他们的养老服务。 Japan is known as the "land of silver", which started in the 1970s and now has an elderly man in five. The world's aging degree is highest, fastest, one of the most serious countries, in the construction of endowment insurance of the earliest countries in Asia, Japan's pension industry has become increasingly sophisticated, rigorous, diversification, to become the world's pension industry leaders and role models. And actively exporting their services to the rest of the world. 图中的养老院位于日本名古屋的一个小乡村,环境优美安静闲适,这块地方本应是一所学校,但由于村子里人口不多,年轻多在外地求学工作,后来政府决定将这里改建为一所养老院。 Figure the nursing home is located in Nagoya, Japan in a small village, a beautiful environment quiet, leisurely and comfortable, this place is supposed to be a school, but due to the small population in the village, young working in the field to study more, then the government has decided to be converted into a nursing home. 日本的养老产业发展的极早,无论是从硬件的配置设施、先进的高科技设备、医疗配备,还是高效的管理模式、人性化的体贴服务。日本的养老院都做得十分出众。领先与其他国家。 Japan's pension industry development early, whether it is from the configuration of hardware facilities, advanced high-tech equipment, medical equipment, and efficient management model, humane and considerate service. The nursing homes in Japan are excellent. Leading and other countries. 1. 厨房高度 Kitchen height 根据老人身高,重新定义厨房高度吧:市面上正常比较认可的普遍柜台合适高度为「身高÷2+5~10cm」。假如台面低了容易增加弯腰时的负荷,台面高了一直站着烹饪容易产生肩膀疲劳的痛苦和感受。另外,能坐下来工作的厨房装修也是非常值得推荐的。 According to the height of the old man, redefine kitchen height: the common counter that is normally accepted on the market is the height of "height 2 + 5 ~ 10cm". If mesa is low, the load that rises to bend over easily, the mesa is tall all the time the pain and feeling that can produce shoulder weariness easily. In addition, the kitchen that can sit down to work is also very well recommended.


  1. 保定市福来居老年公寓
  2. 电话:15188636169宋院长
  3. 电话:13230609059秦总
  4. 地址:保定市竞秀区盛兴西路1715号


版权 © 保定竞秀区福来居老年公寓  网址:http://www.laoniangongyu56.com 推荐:保定养老院哪家好,保定老年公寓
